
Buy Tiromel T3 by Abdi Ibrahim Liothyronine Sodium 100 tablets 25 mcg/tab L-Triiodotironin Online for Fat Burner Weight Loss

Original price was: €32.00.Current price is: €22.50.

Thyroid hormone controls the rate of metabolism. When the thyroid is under active, all body processes slow down and symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, and decreased body temperature are experienced. Through supplementation of thyroid hormones, basal metabolic rate will be increased.
Triiodothyronine, also known as T3, is a thyroid hormone. It affects almost every physiological process in the body, including growth and development, metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate.
Production of T3 and its prohormone thyroxine (T4) is activated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which is released from the pituitary gland. This pathway is regulated via a closed-loop feedback process: Elevated concentrations of T3, and T4 in the blood plasma inhibit the production of TSH in the pituitary gland. As concentrations of these hormones decrease, the pituitary gland increases production of TSH, and by these processes, a feedback control system is set up to regulate the amount of thyroid hormones that are in the bloodstream.
As the true hormone, the effects of T3 on target tissues are roughly four times more potent than those of T4.[2] Of the thyroid hormone that is produced, just about 20% is T3, whereas 80% is produced as T4. Roughly 85% of the circulating T3 is later formed in the thyroid by removal of the iodine atom from the carbon atom number five of the outer ring of T4. In any case, the concentration of T3 in the human blood plasma is about one-fortieth that of T4. This is observed in fact because of the short half-life of T3, which is only 2.5 days.[3] This compares with the half-life of T4, which is about 6.5 days.

Thyroid hormones are essential to proper development of all cells in body. These hormones allow for the body to become more sensitive to all other hormones, in turn making them more effective. Thyroid hormones also regulate macronutrient (protein, fat and carbohydrate) metabolism, therefore increasing protein synthesis and ultimately energy. This allows for the body to burn more calories and use them more sufficiently. For this reason, thyroid hormones are commonly used as fat-loss drugs.

This medicine does not typically cause side effects as long as proper dosages are administered. However some drawbacks of Thyroid drug use are cardiac stress and possible loss of lean body mass. Negative feedback in the thyroid can decrease natural production of thyroid hormone, causing short term decrease of metabolic rate after use is discontinued.

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Tiromel T3 (Liothyronine) by Abdi Ibrahim: results, dosages and side effects.

Tiromel is an oral drug manufactured by Abdi Ibrahim and containing Liothyronine Sodium. This substance is a man-made version of one of the two hormones made by the thyroid gland, triiodothyronine. Liothyronine is the most potent form of thyroid hormone. It acts on the body to increase the basal metabolic rate, effect protein synthesis and increase the body’s sensitivity to catecholamines such as adrenaline. Bodybuilders use T3 to stimulate their metabolism and to obtain a faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Tiromel comes in boxes, each unit containing 100 pills (25 mcg/pill).

Tiromel is used among athletes and bodybuilders to lose weight and to maintain a low fat content during the preparation for various competitions and sport events. It is not necessary to follow a special diet while taking this medication as it stimulates alone a faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Bodybuilders use this product to burn off fat and give them a more appealing look. A combination with of Tiromel with other steroids is often required due to faster utilization of proteins by the body, this stack increases the rate for new muscle accumulation.

The normal dosage of Tiromel (T3) Is generally one 25 mcg tablet taken on the first day, and the dosage is thereafter increased by one tablet every three of four days for a maximum dosage of 100 mcg. A cycle should last no longer than 6 weeks and it should never be halted abruptly. As slowly as the dosage was built up it should also be lowered, one tablet every 3-4 days. Liothyronine is commonly used in conjunction with Clenbuterol and can produce extremely effective results. Tiromel is also popular among female athletes. Women, no doubt, are more sensitive to side effects than men and usually take maximal dosage of 50 mg per day.

There is a large amount of side effects while using Tiromel (T3).It is a powerful hormone, and if not correctly used it can deviate a lot of functions of the human body. Among the side effects bodybuilders can experience while using Tiromel there are: tremor, headache, upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, nervousness, irritability, insomnia, excessive sweating, fever, heart palpitations, agitation, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, headaches, and psychic/metabolic disorders.

Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim.

Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim is a synthetically manufactured prescription thyroid hormone. It specially consists of the L-isomer of the natural thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid hormones stimulate basal metabolic rate, and are involved with many cellular functions including protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim is used medically to treat hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient levels of thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism is usually diagnosed with a serum hormone profile (T3, T4, & TSH), and may manifest itself with symptoms including loss of energy, lethargy, weight gain, hair loss, and changes in skin texture. T3 is the most active thyroid hormone in the body, and consequently Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim is considered to be a more potent thyroid medication than levothyroxine sodium (T4).

Bodybuilders and athletes are attracted to Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim for its ability to increase metabolism and support the breakdown of body fat. Most often utilized during contest preparation or periods of “cutting”. Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim is usually said to significantly aid in the loss of fat, often on higher levels of caloric intake than would normally be permissive of such fat loss. To this end, Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim is also commonly used in conjunction with other fat loss agents such as human growth hormone or beta agonists. Some users also ascribe an ability of thyroid hormones like Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim to increase the anabolic effect of steroids.

The usual protocol among bodybuilders and athletes taking Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim to accelerate fat loss involves initiating its use with a dosage of 25 mcg per day. This dosage may be increased by 25 mcg every 4 to 7 days, usually reaching a maximum of no more than 75 mcg of Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim per day. As in a medical setting, the intent of this slow buildup is to help the body become adjust to the increasing thyroid hormone levels, and avoid sudden changes that may initiate side effects. Cycles of Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim usually last no longer than 6 weeks, and administration of Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim should not be halted abruptly. Instead, Tiromel by Abdi Ibrahim is discontinued in the same slow manner in which it was initiated. This usually entails reducing the dosage by 25 mcg every 4 to 7 days. This tapering is done so that the body has time to readjust its endogenous hormone production at the conclusion of therapy, and to avoid the onset of side effects.

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